This article provides you with a step-by-step guide for logging onto the Tax Authority for a fiscal entity.
To logon on behalf of a fiscal entity, an authorization for at least one of the organizations within the fiscal entity is required. To logon, please follow the next steps:
*Please note that not all images can be translated
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Select ‘’voor iemand anders’’ to logon on behalf of the fiscal entity.
Step 3: Please click “Ik heb een geldige machtiging”
Step 4: Log on using eHerkenning.
Step 5: Select one of the organizations within the Fiscal Entity.
Step 6: Please click ‘’Andere volmachten’’.
Step 7: Please click ‘’Fiscale eenheid omzetbelasting’’.
Step 8: Please enter the Fiscal entity' number.
It's not (yet) possible to logon to an fiscal entity using a Chain Authorization.