Personal identification by AMP Group

You will receive an e-mail from AMP Group. This e-mail will give you the choice between remote identification (digital) or on-site identification (physical in the Netherlands). If you opt for on-site identification, an AMP Group employee will visit you to check your personal data on the basis of your proof of identity.

If you have opted for this, you will receive updates by e-mail and SMS so that you can track your current arrival time online. AMP Group will continue to keep you informed. 

AMP Group will visit your specified location. The location must be in the Netherlands. During the on-site identification, the AMP Groep employee is equipped with a tablet with which the employee will scan your ID. The scanner will automatically screen out data that is not relevant to Reconi. You therefore do not need to tape this off on your proof of identity.

After successful identification, feedback will be given to Reconi and your eRecognition will be issued after final checks.
