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  2. Managemen Module

How to upgrade users if you're an Authorization Manager

This article provides you with a step-by-step guide to upgrade users in case you're an authorization manager.

If one of your employees has eHerkenning on level EH2 or EH2+, you can upgrade it to another level. This requires you to be an Authorization Manager on the level you want to upgrade the employee' eHerkenning to.

How do I see if I am an Authorization Manager, and on which level?
1. Log in to My Reconi
2. Select “My Account” and “My Authorizations".
3. Under 'Type', choose 'Admin Authorization'
4. Your Administrator Authorization will be displayed:

If you're not an Authorization manager(yet), click here for more information and a step-by-step guide to become an Authorization manager.

Are you an Authorization Manager on a lower assurance level than needed? In that case, you can upgrade your eHerkenning including the Administrator Authorization. Read more by clicking here.

How to upgrade a user's eHerkenning

1. Log on to My Reconi
2. At the top of the page, please select 'Adminstrate' and 'Users'.
3. A new screen will appear where you can choose 'Upgrade user(s)' at the bottom of the page:

4. Select the organization and level you want to upgrade the specified user to.
5. Continue through the remaining steps. After you complete the upgrade online, the selected user will receive an e-mail about the final steps*.

*In some cases, identification of the person is required. For this, the user in question will receive an invitation from our partner AMP Group. Once the (online) identification is completed, we'll process the application within a few weekdays. Is no identification required? Then the user can use the new level of assurance immediately after upgrading.