1. Knowledgebase
  2. Managemen Module

How to link an user to your organization in My Reconi.

As an authorization manager, it's neccesary to first link external users in order to authorize the user.

•The link request can be sent by the company' Authorization manager
•The user receiving the link-request, should have a (regular) Reconi eHerkenning

Step-by-step Guide:
1. Log onto My Reconi
2. Hover over 'Administrate' and select 'Requests' 
3. A new window will open, in which you can click 'New Request'.
4. Please click 'New Request' at the bottom of the page.
5. In the dropdown, please select the organization you want to link the user to. 
6. Fill out the user' e-mail address as registered with Reconi and click 'save'.

Upon saving the request, the user can accept or reject the request through My Reconi.

The user will be visible in applications entered by all authorization managers for the company you've linked from.