How to request a new password

This article describes how to reset your password, and how to logon to your pending eHerkenning application.

Password reset for eHerkenning
Password reset for a pending eHerkenning application
Requirements for a new password
No e-mail response to password-reset request
Change your phone number without access to the currently registered number

Password reset for eHerkenning:
Click here to reset your eHerkenning password. 

Password reset for a pending eHerkenning application:
If you have a pending application for eHerkenning, you can't login to My Reconi (yet).
Click here to log onto your application. If you want to change the password for this, please click here.

Do you have a new phone number, and did you lost access to the one that's registered with us? It's possible to change the number through a change form. The fee for this amounts €12,50 (Ex. V.A.T.)

Requirements for a (new) password:

Your password needs to meet the requirements listed below:

The password needs to:
-Contain at least 8 characters
-Contain at least one lower case letter [a-z]
-Contain at least one capital letter [A-Z]
-Contain at least one digit [0-9]
-Contain at least one special character [ – _ ! $ %  ‘ . = / \ : | ? @ [ ] ^ ` { } ~]

Your password can't:
-Contain your username
-Be equal to one of the five laste used passwords

No e-mail response to password-reset request

If you used the password-reset function and didn't receive an e-mail, this can be caused by the following factors:
-The entered username isn't correct; If your e-mail address isn't registered with us, you won't receive a password reset e-mail.
-Your eHerkenning application isn't processed yet. Therefor, you can't yet login to My Reconi. Click here to log on to your application. If needed, the page linked previously also has an password-reset function. 
-Your eHerkenning has expired. Therefor, we advise you to start a new application for eHerkenning by clicking here. Did you already start a renewal before the end date of your eHerkenning? You can logon to this renewal application by clicking here. Remark: You can only log onto this with the last known login credentials.